1) What/when/where was the initial drive for you to start painting? Why painting?  

I went to Corvi Mora back in 2019 and saw Lynette Yiadom-Boakye’s works in person for the first  time. I was captivated by the sheer size of the displayed artworks and the depth behind the  figures. Since I have a Masters in Graphic Design, I realised I could take my background and  knowledge from ‘the screen’ and transfer it to a different medium. I had become slightly fatigued  with digital and being able to explore a physical practice was very appealing to me. 

2) Who are the subjects you paint in relation to you? 

The subjects tend to be people I know personally; family members, friends and people who are  dear to me. 

3) How do you title your pieces and how much weight/meaning do titles hold for you?  

It depends on the story and what has occurred but generally I like them to be quite unique.  Despite some titles appearing to be light-hearted or simple, most reflect a deeper meaning for  me. For example, ‘Stroll through the old village’ shows a woman smiling with flowers yet this was  an uplifting moment for me; after months of lockdown in the U.K the restrictions eased slightly, so  simply going for a walk with my girlfriend to get some flowers and seeing her smile was precious. 

4) Would you like information or personal details of the subjects to be available to the  viewers, or would you prefer for viewers to stay curious and for the figures to speak for  themselves?  

I always want the viewers to be curious and develop their own scenarios or characters.     

6) Are there any specific subject matters/themes that you have not yet covered that you  want to explore or are thinking about?  

I’d like to explore a sports theme, particularly football.  

7) Where do you pull references from, and what informs your choice in rendering  compositions?  

My references are mostly taken from archival family photos and pictures taken by myself whilst  traveling or just in the moment.  

9) Who are you listening to or looking at when you work? When is your favorite time to  paint?  

I like to listen to some Malian music, such as artists like Ali Farka Toure, Toumani Diabaté and  Tinariwen. I find it peaceful and relaxing whilst painting.