ATM gallery NYC is pleased to present “Half Sandwich and Matzo BallSoup”, a solo exhibition of ceramic sculptures by Melbourne-based artist Jake Clark. Born 1985 in Melbourne, Australia, Clark’s background as an illustrator and painter carry over to his practice in ceramics. Loaded with iconography and color, Jake Clark’s work offers homages to NYC’s most treasured food establishments. His vibrant and animated style monumentalizes these restaurants by way of making memorabilia that conveys the grandeur of these institutions. With an abundant twenty-six sculptures on display in glazed earthenware, Clark, a dedicated gourmand, covers nearly every iconic corner of NYC’s culinary scene. From downtown staple Lucky Strike that tragically shut down in March, to no-frills Hop Kee in Chinatown and decadent Russian Tea Room, viewers will long for the New York dining experience that once was, but yearn for and better appreciate the new normal.
On view November 12 – December 13, 2020